Monday, 30 September 2013

Elimination diet update

As I have mentioned in previous posts, this blog came about as a result of an elimination diet I started when I was breast feeding my baby to figure out if he was allergic to any major food groups or common allergens that were passing through my breast milk. His symptoms included multiple poops, vomiting, being unsettled as well as a positive reducing substances test result, which indicated that he had either primary or secondary lactose intolerance. The GP suggested that I stop breast feeding and start my baby on a lactose free formula, but I wanted to continue breastfeeding so I decided to cut out all dairy products from my diet. I also decided to eliminate all other common allergens like gluten, soy, corn, eggs, tree nuts, peanuts, sea food and shell fish. I also eliminated banana, sesame seeds, coconut, mustard, tomatoes and citrus and made a conscious decision to not consume any food with artificial colour, flavour, additives and preservatives like sulphates.

I introduced each allergen one at a time, eating a small quantity over three days and then observing my baby's behaviour for changes over the next three days for any changes. It has now been 11 months, since I commenced my diet and I have introduced all the allergens except bananas to my diet and all allergens except for sea food and bananas to my baby's diet without any adverse effects. I plan to introduce sea food shortly, starting with white fish. I am glad that my baby is not allergic as at a young age it is important for babies to get nutrition form different food groups. As for his initial symptoms and the positive reducing substances (also called reducing sugars) test result, I now think that was due to secondary lactose intolerance, which is common in babies after they get diarrhoea which can be a side effect of immunisations. The mucusy poops, could be a result of eating bananas (I think they were the main culprit, hence am yet to introduce them) or related to teething as my baby got his first two teeth when he was three months old. But this is all conjecture, there is no concrete answer here but I am just glad that he is not allergic. However, having really focussed on what I eat and feed my family, my food habits have changed for good. I take the organic option where ever available, and grow a lot of my own herbs and vegetables, I opt for free range eggs, chicken etc. and also try to avoid GMO substances. I also avoid artificial colours, flavours, additives and preservatives which means I still eliminate a lot of packaged and processed foods, but I would rather eat healthy and miss out on the junk food and I am sure my body is thanking me for it !!! Hence, even though, there is no need to cook allergen free food, I choose to do so on a regular basis and will continue to share my creations and recipes here, to give other mums and allergy sufferers, in fact anyone who wants to eat healthy, ideas to prepare simple and delicious meals at home.

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